ECS APP Meshのポートなど



  "networkMode": "awsvpc",
  "runtimePlatform": null,
  "cpu": "2048",
  "revision": null,
  "status": "ACTIVE",
  "inferenceAccelerators": null,
  "proxyConfiguration": {
    "type": "APPMESH",
    "containerName": "envoy",
    "properties": [
        "name": "AppPorts",
        "value": "80"
        "name": "EgressIgnoredIPs",
        "value": ","
        "name": "EgressIgnoredPorts",
        "name": "IgnoredUID",
        "value": "1337"
        "name": "IgnoredGID",
        "value": "999"
        "name": "ProxyEgressPort",
        "value": "15001"
        "name": "ProxyIngressPort",
        "value": "15000"



  • IgnoredUID – (Required) The user ID (UID) of the proxy container as defined by the user parameter in a container definition. This is used to ensure the proxy ignores its own traffic. If IgnoredGID is specified, this field can be empty.
  • IgnoredGID – (Required) The group ID (GID) of the proxy container as defined by the user parameter in a container definition. This is used to ensure the proxy ignores its own traffic. If IgnoredUID is specified, this field can be empty.
  • AppPorts – (Required) The list of ports that the application uses. Network traffic to these ports is forwarded to the ProxyIngressPort and ProxyEgressPort.
  • ProxyIngressPort – (Required) Specifies the port that incoming traffic to the AppPorts is directed to.
  • ProxyEgressPort – (Required) Specifies the port that outgoing traffic from the AppPorts is directed to.
  • EgressIgnoredPorts – (Required) The egress traffic going to the specified ports is ignored and not redirected to the ProxyEgressPort. It can be an empty list.
  • EgressIgnoredIPs – (Required) The egress traffic going to the specified IP addresses is ignored and not redirected to the ProxyEgressPort. It can be an empty list.




    const taskDefinition = new FargateTaskDefinition(
        cpu: 512,
        memoryLimitMiB: 2048,
        proxyConfiguration: new AppMeshProxyConfiguration({
          containerName: 'envoy',
          properties: {
            appPorts: [containerPort],
            proxyEgressPort: 15001,
            proxyIngressPort: 15000,

            // The App Mesh proxy runs with this user ID, and this keeps its
            // own outbound connections from recursively attempting to infinitely proxy.
            ignoredUID: 1337,

            // This GID is ignored and any outbound traffic originating from containers that
            // use this group ID will be ignored by the proxy. This is primarily utilized by
            // the FireLens extension, so that outbound application logs don't have to go through Envoy
            // and therefore add extra burden to the proxy sidecar. Instead the logs can go directly
            // to CloudWatch
            ignoredGID: 1338,

            egressIgnoredIPs: [
              '', // Allow services to talk directly to ECS metadata endpoints
              '', // and EC2 instance endpoint

            // If there is outbound traffic to specific ports that you want to
            // ignore the proxy those ports can be added here.
            egressIgnoredPorts: [],








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