# aws service-quotas list-services { "Services": [ { "ServiceCode": "AWSCloudMap", "ServiceName": "AWS Cloud Map" }, { "ServiceCode": "access-analyzer", "ServiceName": "Access Analyzer" }, { "ServiceCode": "acm", "ServiceName": "AWS Certificate Manager (ACM)" }, { "ServiceCode": "acm-pca", "ServiceName": "AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority (ACM PCA)" }, { "ServiceCode": "airflow", "ServiceName": "Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow" }, { "ServiceCode": "amplify", "ServiceName": "AWS Amplify" }, { "ServiceCode": "amplifyuibuilder", "ServiceName": "Amplify UI Builder" }, { "ServiceCode": "apigateway", "ServiceName": "Amazon API Gateway" }, { "ServiceCode": "appconfig", "ServiceName": "AWS AppConfig" }, { "ServiceCode": "appflow", "ServiceName": "Amazon AppFlow" }, { "ServiceCode": "application-autoscaling", "ServiceName": "Application Auto Scaling" }, { "ServiceCode": "appmesh", "ServiceName": "AWS App Mesh" }, { "ServiceCode": "apprunner", "ServiceName": "AWS App Runner" }, { "ServiceCode": "appstream2", "ServiceName": "Amazon AppStream 2.0" }, { "ServiceCode": "appsync", "ServiceName": "AWS AppSync" }, { "ServiceCode": "aps", "ServiceName": "Amazon Managed Prometheus" }, { "ServiceCode": "athena", "ServiceName": "Amazon Athena" }, { "ServiceCode": "auditmanager", "ServiceName": "AWS Audit Manager" }, { "ServiceCode": "autoscaling", "ServiceName": "Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling" }, { "ServiceCode": "autoscaling-plans", "ServiceName": "AWS Auto Scaling Plans" }, { "ServiceCode": "backup", "ServiceName": "AWS Backup" }, { "ServiceCode": "batch", "ServiceName": "AWS Batch" }, { "ServiceCode": "cassandra", "ServiceName": "Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)" }, { "ServiceCode": "cloud9", "ServiceName": "AWS Cloud9" }, { "ServiceCode": "cloudformation", "ServiceName": "AWS CloudFormation" }, { "ServiceCode": "cloudhsm", "ServiceName": "AWS CloudHSM" }, { "ServiceCode": "cloudsearch", "ServiceName": "Amazon CloudSearch" }, { "ServiceCode": "cloudshell", "ServiceName": "AWS CloudShell" }, { "ServiceCode": "cloudtrail", "ServiceName": "AWS CloudTrail" }, { "ServiceCode": "codeartifact", "ServiceName": "AWS CodeArtifact" }, { "ServiceCode": "codebuild", "ServiceName": "AWS CodeBuild" }, { "ServiceCode": "codecommit", "ServiceName": "AWS CodeCommit" }, { "ServiceCode": "codedeploy", "ServiceName": "AWS CodeDeploy" }, { "ServiceCode": "codeguru-profiler", "ServiceName": "Amazon CodeGuru Profiler" }, { "ServiceCode": "codeguru-reviewer", "ServiceName": "Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer" }, { "ServiceCode": "codepipeline", "ServiceName": "AWS CodePipeline" }, { "ServiceCode": "cognito-identity", "ServiceName": "Amazon Cognito Federated Identities" }, { "ServiceCode": "cognito-idp", "ServiceName": "Amazon Cognito User Pools" }, { "ServiceCode": "cognito-sync", "ServiceName": "Amazon Cognito Sync" }, { "ServiceCode": "comprehend", "ServiceName": "Amazon Comprehend" }, { "ServiceCode": "connect", "ServiceName": "Amazon Connect" }, { "ServiceCode": "databrew", "ServiceName": "AWS Glue DataBrew" }, { "ServiceCode": "dataexchange", "ServiceName": "AWS Data Exchange" }, { "ServiceCode": "datapipeline", "ServiceName": "AWS Data Pipeline" }, { "ServiceCode": "datasync", "ServiceName": "AWS DataSync" }, { "ServiceCode": "dax", "ServiceName": "Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)" }, { "ServiceCode": "discovery", "ServiceName": "AWS Application Discovery Service" }, { "ServiceCode": "dlm", "ServiceName": "Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager" }, { "ServiceCode": "dms", "ServiceName": "AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS)" }, { "ServiceCode": "docdb", "ServiceName": "Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)" }, { "ServiceCode": "drs", "ServiceName": "ElasticDisasterRecovery" }, { "ServiceCode": "ds", "ServiceName": "AWS Directory Service" }, { "ServiceCode": "dynamodb", "ServiceName": "Amazon DynamoDB" }, { "ServiceCode": "ebs", "ServiceName": "Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)" }, { "ServiceCode": "ec2", "ServiceName": "Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)" }, { "ServiceCode": "ec2-ipam", "ServiceName": "IPAM" }, { "ServiceCode": "ec2fastlaunch", "ServiceName": "EC2 Fast Launch" }, { "ServiceCode": "ecr", "ServiceName": "Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR)" }, { "ServiceCode": "ecs", "ServiceName": "Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)" }, { "ServiceCode": "eks", "ServiceName": "Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)" }, { "ServiceCode": "elastic-inference", "ServiceName": "Amazon Elastic Inference" }, { "ServiceCode": "elasticache", "ServiceName": "Amazon ElastiCache" }, { "ServiceCode": "elasticbeanstalk", "ServiceName": "AWS Elastic Beanstalk" }, { "ServiceCode": "elasticfilesystem", "ServiceName": "Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)" }, { "ServiceCode": "elasticloadbalancing", "ServiceName": "Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)" }, { "ServiceCode": "elasticmapreduce", "ServiceName": "Amazon EMR" }, { "ServiceCode": "elastictranscoder", "ServiceName": "Amazon Elastic Transcoder" }, { "ServiceCode": "es", "ServiceName": "Amazon OpenSearch Service (successor to Amazon Elasticsearch Service)" }, { "ServiceCode": "events", "ServiceName": "Amazon EventBridge (CloudWatch Events)" }, { "ServiceCode": "evidently", "ServiceName": "Amazon CloudWatch Evidently" }, { "ServiceCode": "fargate", "ServiceName": "AWS Fargate" }, { "ServiceCode": "firehose", "ServiceName": "Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose" }, { "ServiceCode": "fis", "ServiceName": "AWS Fault Injection Simulator" }, { "ServiceCode": "fms", "ServiceName": "AWS Firewall Manager" }, { "ServiceCode": "forecast", "ServiceName": "Amazon Forecast" }, { "ServiceCode": "fsx", "ServiceName": "Amazon FSx" }, { "ServiceCode": "gamelift", "ServiceName": "Amazon GameLift" }, { "ServiceCode": "geo", "ServiceName": "Amazon Location Service (Amazon Location)" }, { "ServiceCode": "glacier", "ServiceName": "Amazon Glacier" }, { "ServiceCode": "glue", "ServiceName": "AWS Glue" }, { "ServiceCode": "grafana", "ServiceName": "Amazon Managed Grafana" }, { "ServiceCode": "greengrass", "ServiceName": "AWS IoT Greengrass" }, { "ServiceCode": "guardduty", "ServiceName": "Amazon GuardDuty" }, { "ServiceCode": "imagebuilder", "ServiceName": "EC2 Image Builder" }, { "ServiceCode": "inspector", "ServiceName": "Amazon Inspector" }, { "ServiceCode": "inspector2", "ServiceName": "Amazon Inspector" }, { "ServiceCode": "iot", "ServiceName": "AWS IoT" }, { "ServiceCode": "iot1click", "ServiceName": "AWS IoT 1-Click" }, { "ServiceCode": "iotanalytics", "ServiceName": "AWS IoT Analytics" }, { "ServiceCode": "iotcore", "ServiceName": "AWS IoT Core" }, { "ServiceCode": "iotdeviceadvisor", "ServiceName": "AWS IoT Core Device Advisor" }, { "ServiceCode": "iotevents", "ServiceName": "AWS IoT Events" }, { "ServiceCode": "iotsitewise", "ServiceName": "AWS IoT SiteWise" }, { "ServiceCode": "iotthingsgraph", "ServiceName": "AWS IoT Things Graph" }, { "ServiceCode": "iotwireless", "ServiceName": "AWS IoT Wireless" }, { "ServiceCode": "ivs", "ServiceName": "Amazon Interactive Video Service" }, { "ServiceCode": "kafka", "ServiceName": "Amazon Managed Streaming for Kafka (MSK)" }, { "ServiceCode": "kinesis", "ServiceName": "Amazon Kinesis Data Streams" }, { "ServiceCode": "kinesisanalytics", "ServiceName": "Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics" }, { "ServiceCode": "kinesisvideo", "ServiceName": "Amazon Kinesis Video Streams" }, { "ServiceCode": "kms", "ServiceName": "AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS)" }, { "ServiceCode": "lakeformation", "ServiceName": "AWS Lake Formation" }, { "ServiceCode": "lambda", "ServiceName": "AWS Lambda" }, { "ServiceCode": "launchwizard", "ServiceName": "AWS Launch Wizard" }, { "ServiceCode": "lex", "ServiceName": "Amazon Lex" }, { "ServiceCode": "license-manager", "ServiceName": "AWS License Manager" }, { "ServiceCode": "lightsail", "ServiceName": "Amazon Lightsail" }, { "ServiceCode": "logs", "ServiceName": "Amazon CloudWatch Logs" }, { "ServiceCode": "lookoutmetrics", "ServiceName": "Amazon Lookout for Metrics" }, { "ServiceCode": "lookoutvision", "ServiceName": "Amazon Lookout for vision" }, { "ServiceCode": "macie2", "ServiceName": "Amazon Macie" }, { "ServiceCode": "managedblockchain", "ServiceName": "Amazon Managed Blockchain" }, { "ServiceCode": "mediaconnect", "ServiceName": "AWS Elemental MediaConnect" }, { "ServiceCode": "mediaconvert", "ServiceName": "AWS Elemental MediaConvert" }, { "ServiceCode": "medialive", "ServiceName": "AWS Elemental MediaLive" }, { "ServiceCode": "mediapackage", "ServiceName": "AWS Elemental MediaPackage" }, { "ServiceCode": "mediastore", "ServiceName": "AWS Elemental MediaStore" }, { "ServiceCode": "mediatailor", "ServiceName": "AWS Elemental MediaTailor" }, { "ServiceCode": "mgn", "ServiceName": "Application Migration" }, { "ServiceCode": "migrationhuborchestrator", "ServiceName": "Migration Hub Orchestrator" }, { "ServiceCode": "migrationhubstrategy", "ServiceName": "Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations" }, { "ServiceCode": "monitoring", "ServiceName": "Amazon CloudWatch" }, { "ServiceCode": "mq", "ServiceName": "Amazon MQ" }, { "ServiceCode": "neptune", "ServiceName": "Amazon Neptune" }, { "ServiceCode": "network-firewall", "ServiceName": "AWS Network Firewall" }, { "ServiceCode": "networkinsights", "ServiceName": "Network Insights" }, { "ServiceCode": "nimble", "ServiceName": "Amazon Nimble Studio" }, { "ServiceCode": "opsworks", "ServiceName": "AWS OpsWorks Stacks" }, { "ServiceCode": "opsworks-cm", "ServiceName": "AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate and AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise" }, { "ServiceCode": "outposts", "ServiceName": "AWS Outposts" }, { "ServiceCode": "personalize", "ServiceName": "Amazon Personalize" }, { "ServiceCode": "pinpoint", "ServiceName": "Amazon Pinpoint" }, { "ServiceCode": "polly", "ServiceName": "Amazon Polly" }, { "ServiceCode": "profile", "ServiceName": "Amazon Connect Customer Profiles" }, { "ServiceCode": "proton", "ServiceName": "AWS Proton" }, { "ServiceCode": "qldb", "ServiceName": "Amazon QLDB" }, { "ServiceCode": "quicksight", "ServiceName": "Amazon QuickSight" }, { "ServiceCode": "ram", "ServiceName": "AWS Resource Access Manager" }, { "ServiceCode": "rds", "ServiceName": "Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)" }, { "ServiceCode": "redshift", "ServiceName": "Amazon Redshift" }, { "ServiceCode": "refactor-spaces", "ServiceName": "AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces" }, { "ServiceCode": "rekognition", "ServiceName": "Amazon Rekognition" }, { "ServiceCode": "resiliencehub", "ServiceName": "AWS Resilience Hub" }, { "ServiceCode": "resource-groups", "ServiceName": "AWS Resource Groups" }, { "ServiceCode": "robomaker", "ServiceName": "AWS RoboMaker" }, { "ServiceCode": "route53resolver", "ServiceName": "Route 53 Resolver" }, { "ServiceCode": "rum", "ServiceName": "Amazon CloudWatch RUM" }, { "ServiceCode": "s3", "ServiceName": "Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)" }, { "ServiceCode": "s3-outposts", "ServiceName": "AWS S3 Outposts" }, { "ServiceCode": "schemas", "ServiceName": "Amazon EventBridge Schema Registry" }, { "ServiceCode": "secretsmanager", "ServiceName": "AWS Secrets Manager" }, { "ServiceCode": "securityhub", "ServiceName": "AWS Security Hub" }, { "ServiceCode": "serverlessrepo", "ServiceName": "AWS Serverless Application Repository" }, { "ServiceCode": "servicecatalog", "ServiceName": "AWS Service Catalog" }, { "ServiceCode": "servicequotas", "ServiceName": "Service Quotas" }, { "ServiceCode": "sns", "ServiceName": "Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS)" }, { "ServiceCode": "sqs", "ServiceName": "Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS)" }, { "ServiceCode": "ssm", "ServiceName": "AWS Systems Manager" }, { "ServiceCode": "ssm-contacts", "ServiceName": "AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager Contacts" }, { "ServiceCode": "ssm-guiconnect", "ServiceName": "AWS Systems Manager GUI Connect" }, { "ServiceCode": "ssm-incidents", "ServiceName": "AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager" }, { "ServiceCode": "sso", "ServiceName": "AWS Single Sign-On (SSO)" }, { "ServiceCode": "states", "ServiceName": "AWS Step Functions" }, { "ServiceCode": "storagegateway", "ServiceName": "AWS Storage Gateway" }, { "ServiceCode": "sumerian", "ServiceName": "Amazon Sumerian" }, { "ServiceCode": "swf", "ServiceName": "Amazon Simple Workflow Service" }, { "ServiceCode": "transcribe", "ServiceName": "Amazon Transcribe" }, { "ServiceCode": "transfer", "ServiceName": "AWS Transfer Family" }, { "ServiceCode": "translate", "ServiceName": "Amazon Translate" }, { "ServiceCode": "vmimportexport", "ServiceName": "EC2 VM Import/Export" }, { "ServiceCode": "vpc", "ServiceName": "Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)" }, { "ServiceCode": "waf-regional", "ServiceName": "AWS WAF Classic (Regional)" }, { "ServiceCode": "wafv2", "ServiceName": "AWS WAF" }, { "ServiceCode": "wellarchitected", "ServiceName": "AWS Well-Architected Tool" }, { "ServiceCode": "wisdom", "ServiceName": "Amazon Connect Wisdom" }, { "ServiceCode": "workspaces", "ServiceName": "Amazon WorkSpaces" }, { "ServiceCode": "xray", "ServiceName": "AWS X-Ray" } ] }